Getting started with JavaScript Source Maps

What are JavaScript source maps anyway?

Source maps are a useful tool for debugging and fixing minified JavaScript code without the hassle of determining where in the original code an error occurred. They provide a way to translate between minified code, designed to decrease webpage load times, to the source code the developer writes.

To validate if your own source maps are in the correct format, get started by inputing the location URL or upload your source map file directly to our handy validator.

Ensure your JavaScript sourcemaps are ready to use with Raygun Crash Reporting software!

Input the URL or upload a source map by dragging and dropping the file into the validator. We'll do some checks to make sure the format is compatible to use with Raygun Crash Reporting, helping you save time when trying to debug JavaScript stack traces.

Still not sure how to get started with JavaScript source maps? Check out the information below!

Drag and drop or browse file


Drop here to begin upload

Before Raygun, JavaScript errors were an unknown. With Raygun, non-minified JavaScript files can be provided through the in-built source maps feature, which means any errors occurring in minified JavaScript files are captured and parsed, and the non-minified versions are presented to engineers. Easy!

Nick Witteman - General Manager - Global Office Limited

How do JavaScript source maps work?

If you’re unfamiliar with source maps it’s probably best to see how they work within the browser.

You can read about how to generate source maps here.

Source Maps are natively supported by both Google Chrome and Firefox as well as IE11, this means that any minified JavaScript files with a source map comment at the bottom will automatically link to its sources so long as the mapping and source files are in the correct locations.

This allows errors to be mapped onto the original source code instead of reporting errors on only the minified script.

For instance if a minified file example.min.js has the following comment at the end of the file


the browser will load the mapping file in the same directory as the minified file. Any source files specified by the mapping file will then be loaded into the Sources window in the browser console.

When an error occurs in the JavaScript of a website using Raygun, an error report including stacktrace is sent to Raygun.

Contained within the stacktrace are the URLs of the scripts in which the error occurred.

Given these URLs, Raygun can download each script file and check for a source map comment. If the comment exists, it tries to map the line of the stacktrace onto source code. This is done by downloading the map file specified.

If a map file is available, Raygun can then perform the mapping which converts the lines numbers of the stacktrace on the minified code into line numbers on the source files, it also resolves the source files and symbol names.

Given the source file URL, we can make additional requests for the source files. If we can retrieve these, we insert a snippet of the source code into the stacktrace to give more context to the error.

All of this can be done across the public internet if the files are hosted at the correct URLs and are publicly available.

For many businesses, hosting JavaScript files publicly is not in their best interests. For this reason Raygun provides a source map center, this is a private store of JavaScript files to be used in the source mapping process. It allows source mapping to work without hosting anything publicly.

If a file is uploaded into the source map center, it will be used instead of requesting a file from the internet. All that is required is that the file be labeled with the URL it would be accessed from if it were to be publicly hosted. In most cases this is easy to figure out. For minified files it’s simply the address your minified files are served from.

Determining the address of the map and source files may be a bit harder, but can be determined by looking at the relative URLs in the generated sourceMappingURL comment in the minified files, as well as the sources section of the map files and figuring out the absolute URL based on the address of the hosted minified files.

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